President Event Approval Before Approval After Rally Effect
Roosevelt Pearl Harbor (12/1941) 72 84 12
Truman Truman Doctrine proposed (03/1947) 48 60 12

Atoms for Peace speech (01/1953) 59 69 10

Indochina Truce signed (07/1954) 65 75 10

Geneva Summit (12/1959) 67 77 10
Kennedy Cuban missile crisis (11/1962) 61 74 13
Johnson Halts bombing of North Vietnam (03/1968) 36 50 14
Nixon Vietnamization speech (11/1969) 56 67 11

Vietnam peace agreement (01/1973) 51 67 16
Ford Mayaguez incident (05/1975) 40 51 11
Carter Hostages seized in Iran (11/1979) 38 51 13
George H.W. Bush Iraqi invasion of Kuwait (08/1990) 60 74 14

Desert storm begins (01/1991) 64 82 18
George W. Bush Terrorist bombing (09/2001) 51 86 35
Barack Obama Killing Osama bin Laden (05/2011) 46 52 6